Options for Magazine Organizer PS Bombay
Magazine Organizer PS Bombay
Organize magazines, periodicals, articles, authors and...the easy way.
With Magazine Organizer PS Bombay you can store and retrieve detailed information for authors, articles, subscriptions and magazine publishers along with the contact info for the staff, articles, subscription data and much more.
If you are an author, read for pleasure, or for research, or whatever else you need to save magazine data for, this powerful software for writers program allows you to save the information you need and then reference it with one click of the mouse. You no longer have to rummage through a stack of magazines, or shuffle through a pile of CDs for that piece of important information you need right away. With Magazine Organizer PS Bombay, you will easily be able to find all the magazines and articles you need to reference.
Sophisticated, yet easy to use...
Magazine Organizer PS Bombay is Email and Internet enabled. When you save contact information for a magazine, or an author, one click of the button can take you to the website or launch your email program with the email address filled in and ready to go. All you have to do is fill in the subject, write the letter and click on send.
The Online Help will get you up and running at full speed in a very short period of time.
With Magazine Organizer PS Bombay you can...
Store data for magazine publishers and periodicals, such as subscription information, cost, and expiration date. Work on a network with multiple users. Secure your data from prying eyes with password protection.
Who can benefit from Magazine Organizer PS Bombay?
You can...authors, librarians, students, teachers, business executives, software developers, secretaries, lawyers, writers, researchers -- anyone who reads magazines and periodicals and needs to reference the information for later viewing.
Download Magazine Organizer PS Bombay now and start getting your data organized. You have a free 30 day trial period to see if it lives up to its promises!
Program details
Downloads month: 2
Company: PinderSoft
Release date: 2006-05-26
Version: 4.1
License: Shareware
Price: $24.99
Supported OS': WinXP, Win98
Homepage: Visit website
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