Options for IE Okapiland Search Toolbar
IE Okapiland Search Toolbar
IE Okapiland Search Toolbar (IE Okapibar) is an IE toolbar to provide Internet search in Composite Page Mode (CPM) that displays linked pages themselves in addition to hyperlinks. All pages can be displayed by scrolling the pages. Internet Search is good for the quick search or clear search, but the deep search or ambiguous search requires your effort. The CPM can save your operation. To prevent unexpected intruder at displaying the linked pages, the dynamic type of contents, e.g. JavaScript or Applet, is not displayed. Web search is provided with Yahoo! Search Web Services. IE Okapibar consists of a keyword input, search engine buttons, and function buttons. The search engine button selects either YahooCPM or Yahoo. The function buttons are a highlight button to change the background color of words same as the key words, a compact button to change between one line and two line layout, and a script button to show that Javascript is disable during the search in CPM. For example, the usage of these search engines is that Yahoo or Google search is for quick search, and Yahoo search in CPM is for deep search.
Program details
Downloads month: 3
Company: Okapiland Products
Release date: 2008-08-29
Version: 2.7.3
License: Freeware
Price: $
Supported OS': Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003
Homepage: Visit website
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