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Hide Secret Files
Hide Secret Files is a security product based on an unequalled data hiding method. As a result of many years research within our company, this product hides and safely protects from erasure your private information.

Would you be happy to find your priceless financial plans, your personal ideas or projects, your private photos or movies felt in unwanted hands, altered or erased?

Hide Secret Files is the ultimate tool allowing you to have exclusive secured access to sensitive information based on a password. No one except you, who knows the password, will be able to access the secured data. Not even your own operating system will have permission to alter the information.

The latest, and one of the most annoying secondary product of nowadays Internet evolution, the spy-ware activity, is absolutely inoffensive against the protection guaranteed by Hide Secret Files

The hidden data wonâand#8364;and#8482;t be visible even for your own OS so the Safe Mode booting or moving the hard drive in another PC wonâand#8364;and#8482;t make possible to reveal, the data protected by Hide Secret Files.

The standard windows security permissions are useless against spy-ware attacks. Setting the hidden property for a folder wonâand#8364;and#8482;t hide your information even from your 6 years old boy.

There are tons of products on the market to encrypt or to hide information but none of them offers you a solution to really store your data safely on your hard drive. In the most of cases the data can be deleted even if itâand#8364;and#8482;s encrypted or is enough to reboot your system in safe mode, or to move your hard drive in another PC to avoid kernel level protection and give away all your priceless information.

Your information is much vulnerable than you ever thought.

Would you like loosing your precious work or let your private data felt in wrong hands?

We can keep your secrets!
There is the ultimate solution to securely protect your valuable data: Hide Secret Files
Program details
Downloads month: 1
Company: E-CRONIS
Release date: 2006-01-22
Version: 2.01
License: Shareware
Price: $9.95
Supported OS': WinNT 3.x WinNT 4.x Windows2000 WinXP
Homepage: Visit website
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