Options for Easy Web Builder
Easy Web Builder
Easy Web Builder is a WYSIWYG editor with extra features that make it simple and quick to create professional-looking websites. In addition to all the standard features of a WYSIWYG editor the program uses fill-in forms to generate code for CSS navbars, rollover button menus, popup windows, select menus, frames, forms, hover links, tables, colored scrollbars and meta tags. The program also has a 3D logo maker, a color scheme generator and template pages to give the user a head start. In the demo version these features are save disabled: save page, CSS navbar, rollover button, pop window, select menu, frames, colored scrollbars. These features are free to use permanently since the demo never expires: generators for tables, hover links, forms, meta tags and also the 3D logo maker.
Program details
Downloads month: 3
Company: Starr Software
Release date: 2004-04-05
Version: 1.0
License: Demo
Price: $40.00
Supported OS': Win95
Homepage: Visit website
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