Options for DVD and CD Cover Print
DVD and CD Cover Print
DVD and CD Cover Print allows you to print your CD and DVD cover art easily and accurately. This software tool allows the user to load CD or DVD cover art and print it to standard size specifications or user defined specifications. This is an easy and quick way for the user to printout DVD or CD covers that will fit any size CD jewel case or DVD keep case.


* Easy to use
* Handles images of different sizes and resolutions; resizes them to the correct print size
* Multiple standard templates for different size CD or DVD cases - single, double, slim, multi-disc, etc.
* Ability to create user defined templates for custom printing
* Ability to adjust printer output properties
* Ability to scan in covers
* Allows selection of border sizes: automatic or manual adjustment
* Ability to extract cover art directly from zip files
* Ability to create CD or DVD cover art using single or multiple images
* Ability to print images at half-size for lower memory printers
* Print on letter, legal, or custom paper size
* Great for CD, DVD, and game system software cover art
* DVD and CD Cover Print remembers your settings so there is no need to reconfigure each use
* System notifies you when free updates are available for download
* Ability to save and load covers.
* Ability to edit/save images with either a built in editor or an external editor defined by the user.
* Ability to scan covers directly into DVD and CD Cover Print from any twain compatible device.
* Templates for DVD's and CD's.
* Ability to have templates with 1 2 or 3 panels.
* Built in editor allows text/images to be placed anywhere on any panel with user defined opacity level.
* Ability to put formatted text on spine in multiple image templates.
* Support for European number formats (ie: 1,000.00) when defining template sizes/printer margins.
Program details
Downloads month: 5
Release date: 2006-03-30
Version: 3.4.2
License: Shareware
Price: $12.95
Supported OS': Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP
Homepage: Visit website
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