Options for CyberMatrix Pro Schedule Standard
CyberMatrix Pro Schedule Standard
CyberMatrix Pro Schedule Standard is a simple to use single or multi-user group appointment scheduling program. Pro Schedule is ideal for professionals who are often scheduling appointments such as doctors, dentists, veterinarians, physiotherapists, hairdressers and lawyers. It can be used in clinics, offices, beauty salons and hospitals. Appointment schedules can be accessed throughout your network. Pro Schedule Standard includes its own self-contained database engine so you don't need to setup an unwieldy database server like Microsoft SQL server, MySQL or PostresQL.

Pro Schedule features sophisticated recurring appointments having daily, weekly and monthly options. Appointments can be moved by drag and drop or cut and pasted from person to person or day to day. Appointment alarms remind you of upcoming appointments. The search features allow you to locate obscure appointments quickly as well as find openings at a certain time or of a certain duration. See appointments of a single person in daily, weekly or monthly views. You can also view the appointments of all people in a single day or the whole week. You can even see client and room views. Security options limit who can see and change what data. Appointments can be synchronized with PalmOS and Windows Mobile devices as well as Microsoft Outlook. To do items document actions people need to finish. Appointment reports list and summarize appointment data. You can even change reports or create your own. The email scripting feature allows you to configure which information is sent in reminder emails and change notices.
Program details
Downloads month: 4
Company: CyberMatrix Corporation, Inc.
Release date: 2010-12-03
Version: 7.30
License: Commercial
Price: $100
Supported OS': Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP
Homepage: Visit website
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