Options for Catfood Quote
Catfood Quote
Catfood Quote tracks your stock portfolio easily from the Windows taskbar.

A taskbar icon updates to indicate the performance of your stocks - you can see at a glance if your portfolio is up or down for the day. Hover your mouse over the icon and a tooltip will display the last sale price for your stocks. Double-click the icon to access full quote information.

Quotes are pulled automatically from the Amex, London Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, NYSE and Toronto Stock Exchange markets. New markets can easily be added by downloading Catfood Quote service files from our website.

Catfood Quote is free to use without automatic updates. The full version costs $4.99 from the Catfood Store.
Program details
Downloads month: 10
Company: Catfood Software
Release date: 2004-03-07
Version: 2.02.0003
License: Shareware
Price: $4.99
Supported OS': Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000
Homepage: Visit website
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