Options for CashDispatcher Cash Manager
CashDispatcher Cash Manager
Dispatch cash fast and easy to a safer destination by implementing Cash Dispatcher cash manager software to handle cash from one or twenty sources of revenue. Minimize safety issues by dispatching cash to a safer destination whether it may be the bank or company vault but book it first with Cash Dispatcher fast and simple.

Book entries daily by the week to maintain an up to date control of cash movement. Fast and efficient handling is achieved by using the "tools" provided in the cash manager software. Count up to six currencies, count non-cash instruments such as checks, see at a glance what amount is to be deposited versus what has been counted. Built in controls minimize data entry errors, view year to date data, create as many files as needed to handle more than twenty daily sources of revenue, create a file to do budgeting or forecast. Cash Dispatcher is versatile with no limit to the number of files than can be created for different scenarios. A pleasant alternative to the cash journal with 6 ready made reports to suffice the needs of the accounting department and management. Make good use of the comments box to avoid calls from the accounting department six months from now.

Cash Dispatcher comes in two versions. A Monday to Sunday version which is the ISO standard and a Sunday to Saturday version. The Monday to Sunday version is available for trial for twenty days without obligations.
Program details
Downloads month: 3
Company: CashDispatcher Cash Manager Software
Release date: 2011-01-20
Version: 8.0
License: Shareware
Price: $59.95
Supported OS': Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
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