Options for BatchPhoto Lite
BatchPhoto Lite
With BatchPhoto you can easily resize and rename dozens of pictures in one operation for uploading online, for sending as email attachments, for auction sites and and so on.

Resize pictures by specifying the new dimensions either in pixels or percentages and the desired compression level. BatchPhoto knows if your photos are in portrait or landscape orientation, and applies your changes intelligently.

Scanners and digital cameras assign meaningless names to your pictures. BatchPhoto lets you rename all of these files meaningfully. You can incorporate any text into your file names, sequentially number them, add date/time information (when the photo was taken), and more. EXIF data stored in the original photos is preserved in the processed ones.

BatchPhoto is not limited to resizing and renaming pictures, it is a powerful photo manipulation program that makes it easy to touch-up, annotate, transform, apply effects, and rename hundreds of photos in a single operation!

But don't take our word for it, try it for free!
Program details
Downloads month: 4
Release date: 2008-12-09
Version: 2.3.2
License: Shareware
Price: $29.95
Supported OS': Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Homepage: Visit website
screenshot - click to enlarge the File Extensions site!