Everything you wanted to know, and even information you didn't know you needed to know, about professional baseball in America. Major League Baseball Stats gives you access to a complete and very comprehensive database covering all the aspects of professional baseball. Our Major League Baseball Stats program, updated for the 2009 season, allows you access to the most complete database we have seen about baseball statistics available on the internet. If you have downloaded the database from The Baseball Archive website you can use this program to view the data in an easy and comprehensive manner. If you have not downloaded the database you must do so for this program to function. To do so, go to http://www.baseball1.com/ and download the Lahman57.mdb zip file. Afterwards, you must copy it into the program directory. If you used the default settings shown in the setup program it could be: "C: Program FilesPinderSoftBaseball Stats PS". Of course, it could look different on your machine, depending on the configuration and the path you chose to install it into. Without the Lahman database this program will not function. You will need Microsofts Dot .Net Framework 3.5 installed on this machine for the program to run.