Easily integrate barcodes into new or existing FileMaker databases, applications, reports and forms as dynamic calculated fields, without the use of scripts. This package includes a tutorial and plug-in extension for FileMaker versions 4 and up and includes support for the Universal Binary Intel Macintosh. Functions are included for the IDAutomation Universal Barcode Font, which creates several barcodes from a single font and is compatible in any country, language and locale. Supported bar-code types include Code 128, Code 93, Code 3 of 9, Postnet, Planet, ITF, UPC, EAN, Codabar, MSI and USPS OneCode. The barcode plugin is free to use with IDAutomation Barcode Fonts, which are available at ww.idautomation.com/fonts/
A database example is included that creates barcodes on reports and forms for name tags and ID badges.