Options for Alien Registry Viewer
Alien Registry Viewer
Alien Registry Viewer is similar to the RegEdit application included into Windows, but unlike RegEdit, it works with standalone registry files. While RegEdit shows the contents of the system registry, Alien Registry Viewer works with registry files copied from other computers. Alien Registry Viewer can be extremely useful for system administration and forensic computer examination purposes. The current version of Alien Registry Viewer works in the read-only mode, i.e. you can view but you cannot edit registry files. The user interface of Alien Registry Viewer is straightforward and similar to that of RegEdit. Alien Registry Viewer allows you to explore registry files, search for specific key names and values, export registry data into a .REG file and bookmark registry keys as favorites.
Program details
Downloads month: 2
Company: LastBit Software
Release date: 2006-04-22
Version: 1.0.186
License: Demo
Price: $69
Supported OS': Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
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