Options for Active Wall Web Filter
Active Wall Web Filter
Active Wall Web Filter is a professional and free web filtering software. It includes url filter, mime filter, web category filter, web content filter, post keyword filter, upload file filter and traffic monitor. Active Wall Web Filter runs on one computer and provides network monitoring and web filtering for LAN. It does not require any client installation. Active Wall Web Filter supports gateway,bridge,bypass,redirect and single mode, it is suitable for any network topology. Active Wall Web Filter provides continuous enterprise-wide protection against the full range of Internet threats, from viruses and phishing attacks to inappropriate use of system resources to regulatory non-compliance.
Active Wall Web Filter includes the following plugins: Show Flux,HTTP Filter. free 10 License.
Program details
Downloads month: 7
Company: Active Network
Release date: 2010-08-13
Version: 4.0
License: Freeware
Price: $
Supported OS': Win2000, Win7 x32, WinServer, WinVista, WinXP
screenshot - click to enlarge the File Extensions site!