Options for AKVIS Coloriage
AKVIS Coloriage
AKVIS Coloriage manipulates colors of an image. It allows colorizing old black and white photos and replacing colors in color photos. It creates natural looking colorization. The program works equally well for coloring of portraits, landscapes, fashion, and still life. The skin, sky, verdure, and tree color patterns help users to select realistic colors for their picture.

Breathe life into your black and white photos! Make a present for your grandmother by adding color to her school photo, replace the colors of your car to see how it would look in scarlet, see how you will look if you dye your hair red.

Use AKVIS Coloriage for different purposes: add color to black and white photos, replace colors on a color photo, colorize hand sketch drawings, try different color schemes for interior and exterior design, selective desaturation and selective colorization of areas on a color photo, etc. The list of uses is practically endless. Play with the software to discover its full potential!

The program is as easy to use as a coloring book. No more hours of frustration attempting to get just the look you want - everything is done with a few brush strokes. Indicate the desired colors by the stroke of the brush, Coloriage does the rest of the work: recognizes the object's border and tailors the new color to the grayscale tones of the initial picture.

This impressive program in its PlugIn Edition was awarded the "Best of Soft 2005" prize of PC Magazine/RE.

AKVIS Coloriage is available in two versions - as an independent program (standalone) and as a plug-in to a photo editor. The plug-in version is compatible with Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro etc.
Program details
Downloads month: 1
Company: AKVIS LLC
Release date: 2008-09-24
Version: 6.0
License: Shareware
Price: $97
Supported OS': Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003
Homepage: Visit website
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