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Other software from developer
Home Data Deluxe
Track all the information about you home, family and automobile and much more with this easy to use program.
Auto Maintenance Plus
Auto Maintenance Plus should capitalize the PLUS. You get a database to record your automobile expenses for maintenance and repairs, etc and more.
HIPAA Security Rule Assistant
HIPAA Security Rule Assistant provides HIPAA covered entities a program to learn and understand the HIPAA Security Rule. It contains Risk Analysis worksheet, sample policy templates, sample disaster recovery plan and Incident Report form, and more.
Automobile Tracker
Automobile Tracker - This straightforward program lets you enter and track information about your automobile. Maintenance reminders bases on mileage and/or dates can be displayed.
Recipe Keeper Plus
Recipe Keeper Plus - ZDNet Shareware Award in the Home and Hobby Category. Recipe Keeper Plus is a useful and diverting collection of household information.
Real Estate Assistant
Real Estate Assistant - This program was written to provide the realtor with tools to simply track clients, listings, etc. Also, contains a few other tools to help in organization and work load planning and so forth.
Daily Planner Plus
Daily Planner Plus is a capable, multi-module organizer. It includes a daily planner and a to-do list, as well as standard and loan calculators. You'll also find areas for figuring a home budget, keeping a warranty information database, and more.
Daily Planner Journal
Daily Planner Journal is a capable, multi-module organizer. It includes a daily planner, small daily journal and a to-do list.
Recipes Galore
Recipes Galore - For the cook in the family this program should be a must. It contains the following functions: Recipe function - comes with over 340 family favorite recipes. Menu planner - helps you plan out your daily shopping trips and more.
LDS Home Information
LDS Home Information is a multi-module household database program with over 45 different functions. Enter data about each member of the family, including contact information, birthday, anniversary, and clothing size. And much much more.
Financial Helper 2001
Easy to use financial calculators and budget tracker program.
LDS Activities
LDS Activities For Windows is a collection of puzzles and games. Activities include Articles of Faith, Books of the Book of Mormon, Books of the New Testament, GospelTration, Crossword Puzzle, Gospel Tic-Tac-Toe, President of the Church, and more.
Password Keeper 2001
This simple program lets you store your various passwords, user IDs, etc.
HIPAA Training Program
HIPAA Training Program is a cost effective alternative to train your employees concerning the Privacy and or Security Rule requirements under HIPAA. This inexpensive program lets you create your own training program if desired.
Home Data Keeper
This program all our home-related functions. There are over 35 functions within this program to help you track information relating to your home, automobile, etc. Enter and display information about family members, homes, vehicles, and so much more.
Home Inventory Plus
Home Inventory Plus gives you a place to organize information about your possessions and a lot more. For each item, you can store its name, location, serial number, date purchased, original cost, and remarks. The Plus is for additional modules.
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