During the last few days I have been evaluating version 5.01 of the AudioEdit Deluxe software. This is a visual editing software from Mystik Media (www.mystikmedia.com).
Mystic Media, a Hamstead, N.C. based company offers a free fifteen (15) day trial evaluation download of this product. This should be more than enough time for anyone to determine if this is the right audio editing software for them. I am not a user of this type of software, but I found the software fairly easy to understand – well, sort of.
The basic functionality is very straight forward, but some of the actual editing features like, the flanger, gargle, distortion, resample, pitch, reverb, low pass filter, high pass filter, and band pass filter features are not intuitive to me.
I suspect these features are well understood by folks who regularly mix their own music, but for the beginners like me, they are a bit of a challenge. I can usually count on the built-in or online help systems to help me, but Mystik Media falls short in the documentation department. I had to refer to Wikipedia and other internet sources to explain what these functions were, but even those sources offered no help in telling me how to use them.
Mystik Media makes the claim that AudioEdit Deluxe can convert file formats, rip CDs, burn CDs, make recordings, and visually edit files. I tested each functionality and found that indeed the product performs each task well.
For the most part, the user interface screens are easily understood. Even though I am a novice with this type of software, I felt that AudioEdit Deluxe interfaces were familiar and easy to understand.
Within a few minutes after installing the software, I was able to open and edit a track from one of my favorite CDs. I started easy with the cut and paste features, and eventually added chorus and echo to my test track.
The CD ripping feature worked well too. The user has his/her choice of MP3, WAV, OGG, or WMA formats. The process seems a little slow to me, but considering what is being done to the file, I guess the speed was appropriate.
The ripping feature also provides the user with the option to fetch track titles from the CDDB.
I was able to convert file formats with no problems. I used the same CD track and tested each file format with the conversion feature. I found the quality of the converted files to be good. DISCLAIMER – sound quality is in the ears of the beholder. You may be harder to please than I am.

The converter is simple to use, but full of useful features. The user has the option of selecting the format he/she desires, and can then set optional format specifics such as frequency and mono/stereo.
AudioEdit Deluxe also has a pretty cool recording feature. I was able to use this feature to make a recording that I was able to paste into my test track. I suspect that folks will be able to produce some interesting compositions for uploading to their favorite social networking sites.
AudioEdit Deluxe does everything the developer claims. It probably does even more, but Mystic Media has not taken the time to provide the user with information about cool things they can do with the product.
I can’t give you the system requirements for this software, because Mystik Media makes no reference to that information on their website. I can tell you that the installation file size is 6.07 MB, and that the product runs well on a Windows XP platform.
I give Mystik Media an “A’ for product quality, a “D” for documentation, and a “B” for price.
At $40.00 USD, the product is not a steal, but it is fairly priced for what it does. I leave you with this one question --- in what ways is AudioEdit Deluxe better than competing products?